Stable isotope tracing theory applied for shallow groundwater pollution by power plant fly ash 稳定同位素示踪技术在电厂灰场对浅层地下水影响研究中的应用
The Progress Delay Factors Analysis and Corresponding Measures of Thermal Power Plant Ash Yard Project 火电厂灰场工程进度延误因素分析及对策研究
Method for Chemical Discrimination of Plant Ash in Row Materials of Ancient Chinese Pottery-moulds 古代陶范原料配方含有草木灰的化学判断方法
An edible, mild-flavored seaweed. The application of plant ash led to increase the crude ash and fibre. 可食海草一种可食的,淡味海草施草木灰使蕨菜粗灰分和粗纤维含量升高。
Study on Effect of Plant Mineral Ash Under Drought Stress at Maize Flowering and Milking Stage 玉米花粒期干旱胁迫对植株矿质灰分的影响研究
In addition, the glaze belongs to calcium glaze in which plant ash was added. 另外,白瓷釉可能是加有草木灰的钙釉。
The application of plant ash led to increase the crude ash and fibre. 施草木灰使蕨菜粗灰分和粗纤维含量升高。
Study on Covering Technique of the Plant in Ash Site in Qinghe Power Plant 清河电厂河滩灰场植被重建技术的研究
A Preliminary Application of Plant Ash Method in Some Thallium Ore Deposits ( Prospects) of Southwestern Guizhou 植物灰分法在黔西南某些铊矿床(点)的初步应用
Application of Frequency Control of Motor Speed Technology in Thermal Power Plant Ash Plup Pump System 变频调速技术在热电厂灰渣泵系统中的应用
With currently enormous construction of the straw power generation, leaching of abundant biotic potassium in the plant ash is catching more and more attention. 伴随着目前秸秆发电厂的兴建,提取秸秆燃烧后草木灰中丰富的生物钾资源受到越来越广泛的重视。
The use of Hydraulic Fill Techniques on the Market for Power Plant Ash Transformation Compatibilizer 采用水力冲填法对发电厂贮灰场进行增容改造
Because, the plant ash alkalinity matter, has had the chemical reaction with the stearic acid in the fat 因为,草木灰里面的碱性物质,与油脂里的硬脂酸发生了化学反应
Seepage flow field analysis for radiation well of Qinling power plant ash fill dam 秦岭电厂灰坝辐射井排水渗流场分析
A Discussion on Development of Slurry Pump for Power Plant Ash Disposal 研制电厂除灰系统用泵的几点体会
The article introduces the screening tests of scale inhibitors and industrial operation tests, used in the heat power plant's ash and cinder flushing system with water closed circuit circulation, where there is a serious trend of scaling. 介绍了在火力发电厂利用有严重结垢趋势的回水循环冲灰、冲渣系统中进行阻垢剂筛选试验、工业运行试验的情况。
Because of no measures to resist floating in design, a power plant ash pond floated and inclined with the groundwater flotage after construction, which have influenced the normal use of the ash pond. 某发电厂沉渣池由于设计时没有考虑抗浮措施,施工完成后,池体在地下水浮力的作用下上浮倾斜,严重影响池的正常使用。
The best substrate for living and growing of tissue culture seedling is compound of vermiculite, plant ash and sand ( 2 ∶ 2 ∶ 1), and the survival rate reaches 98%. 蛭石+草炭土+河沙(2∶2∶1)是组培苗成活及生长的最适基质配比,成活率达98%。
Study on Urea-formaldehyde Resin Modified by Plant Ash and Oxygenated Amylum 用草木灰和氧化淀粉改性脲醛树脂胶粘剂的研究
Study on Scale Prevention Technology for Recycling Ash-water System of Power Plant Ash Pond 火电厂灰场回水系统防垢技术研究
Because the use of N, P, and K can decrease the root rot disease index of pea, more plant ash and compost contained abundant available K must be used. 由于氮、磷、钾配施能减轻豌豆根腐病危害,所以目前应多施草木灰、堆肥等富含速效钾的肥料。
Studied on effect and applied method of potassium permanganate, calcareousness lime or plant ash and compost for control Plasmodiophora brassica. 选择高锰酸钾、石灰或草木灰、腐熟农家肥等有机投入品对根肿病的控制效果和施用方法进行了初步尝试。
The rooting seedlings were transplanted in sand or burnt soil with plant ash. The highest survival rate was 90%. 生根苗移栽于排水良好的火土或砂土中,成活率90%。
Research on Making Preserved Egg with Plant Ash Instead of Lead Oxide 用草木灰替代氧化铅制作松花蛋的工艺研究
An Investigation on Coal fired Power Plant Without Ash Pond 对燃煤电厂无灰场化的探讨
High-pressure conveying part is mainly involved in the design of rubber factory carbon black dense phase pneumatic conveying systems and coal-fired power plant fly ash pneumatic conveying systems. 高压输送模块主要涉及橡胶厂炭黑密相气力输送系统和燃煤发电厂粉煤灰气力输送系统的设计。
The N contents of peat soil, danty and plant ash are the lowest in the 21 raw materials. 泥炭土、风化煤和草木灰等原料N含量最低。